Hindu Temple & Community Center
Sunnyvale Hindu Temple
450 Persian Drive, Sunnyvale CA 94089
Contact Us:
(408) 734-4554, (408) 734-0775
(For: Sunnyvale, CA Time)
Today's Events
25th, 26th & 27th October, 2013
Venue: 450 Persian Drive, Sunnyvale CA 94089

Click here for the larger image of the flier

Sunnyvale Hindu temple proudly presents Diwali Mela and as part of this mela there would be Cultural Programs, Antaakshari, Special Events, Special program for children, Authentic India Food Stalls, Merchandise Stalls, Celebrities from India would be performing. If you want to participate in the cultural programs or setup a booth/Stall please hurry-up as slots are getting filled quickly.


Diwali Mela is a three day event and is a grand community event bringing in thousands of visitors and participants to the event. IF you are interested in setting-up a stall at the Diwali Mela, please fill the Booth/Stall registration form and Terms & Conditions form and send it to or you can contact

Sanjay Agarwal (408) 802-3007
Mohinder Sethi (650) 833-9949
Bharat Triparhy (408) 497-1030
Deepak Biala (408) 805-4546

For all other details you can contact: Raj Bhanot (408-687-1955).

Cultural Programs
If you are interested to participate in Cultural Programs, please fill the below form to register and send it to:

Click here for Cultural Event Participation Form
Antakshari and Talent Contest
To participate in Antakshari and talent Contest, please fill the below forms and send it to:
Click here for AntakshariForm Participation Form
Click here for Talent Contest ParticipationForm Participation Form
Saree Sale (Sesha Vastra Sale)
During Diwali Mela on the 26th and 27th October, Sesha Vastra Sale (Auction) will take place from 5:00 - 7:00 PM in the lobby to the Main Auditorium, and all the proceedings generated will be donated back to the temple. All are invited to participate in the auction.
Temple Timings
Monday to Sunday
09:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Day Aarthi
Monday - Saturday 12:00PM
Sunday - 1:30 PM
Evening Aarthi
Monday - Sunday 08:00 PM
Photo Galleries
Video Galleries